Regular listings | This crime website is a creation of, an American advocacy group, that seeks to decrease crime across the world. Detailed American crime statistics show how many crimes of different types are committed. The site also has forums for people to share their ideas on crime issues. |
| The issues that America is dealing with now. Issues include American security, policies and initiatives, hurrican recovery, jobs and economic growth and more. |
| Non-Profit Guides Grant-writing materials to assist not-for-profit organizations in submitting proposals to grantmakers. The site includes sample proposals, inquiry letter, cover letter, cover sheet and budget, and provides links to grantmakers and grantseeking resources. |
| Operation Lifesaver The aim of this organization is to eliminate accidents and fatalities at railroad crossings. Provides teacher materials such as lesson plans, printables, brochures, videos and safety tips. Professional drivers can purchase video and training modules. Read FRA statistics about railroad crossing accidents. |
| The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is dedicated to the interests of children that are in need of help. The site has resources for attorneys, parents, law enforcement and others who may be interested in combating the issue of exploited and missing children. |
| VisionQuest An American organization that helps troubled children turn their lives around. The organization runs both residential and community-based programs across the United States. You can read about VisionQuest’s philosophy through this website and find out how to apply for its programs. |
| Prison Activist The Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) is a California-based organization that provides information and promotes activism regarding the American criminal justice system. Although access to the website's content is restricted to members, you can create an account for free, and members are encouraged to print and distribute PARC materials to other interested parties. |
| U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board is an agency of the American government dedicated to the safe handling of chemicals and prevention of disasters. The site has a list of the Board's current and past investigations. There are also articles relating to hazardous chemicals. |
| National Safety Council (NSC) An educational and influential site that addresses safety issues such as traffic, drinking, lifestyle, first aid, fire, pesticides, gasoline emissions and workplace safety. Users can read headline news, fact sheets, info on events, tips and also buy workbooks, first aid posters, DVDs and CD-ROMS. The NRC offers a subscription service to their monthly Safety & Health magazine. |
| Organization of the American States (OAS) The OAS comprises of 35 members states, whose aim is to debate important issues facing the Western Hemisphere. Key subjects include democracy, human rights, poverty, women’s rights, terrorism, illegal drugs and free trade. Find information about the Summit of the Americas, read the latest OAS news and watch videos and speeches. The website is accessible in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. |
| Heartland Institute An American non-profit organization that promotes free market solutions to social and economic problems. The site covers a wide range of political issues including global warming, school reform and lawsuits. The site also has a section designed to help free market activists achieve their goals. |
| International Center for Research on Women An organization that strives to promote gender equality and eliminates poverty in the developing world. The ICRW also carries out a variety of research on issues such as HIV/AIDS, food security, women's rights, violence against women and other important social issues. |
| A website sponsored by Action Without Borders, a nonprofit organization that encourages activism and other actions to promote freedom and equality. The site has a directory of nonprofit jobs, organizations, volunteers and university students. The site is available in a number of languages including Spanish, German, French and Polish. |
| International Freedom of Expression Exchange IFEX is a non-governmental organization dedicated to advancing the freedom of expression and of the press. The site has a list of the organization's political campaigns as well as news reports from around the world on freedom of expression. The site is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. |
| Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) MADD is one of America's leading non-profit organization that advocates against drunk driving. The site has a special section for those under the age of 21. MADD also offers a victim helpline to those who have suffered from drunk drivers. |
| RAND Corporation An American non-profit institution that is noted for its research and analysis for both government and the private sector. Visitors to the site can read the organization's reports on topics such as terrorism, schools and children. You can also buy RAND books directly from the site. |
| Susan B. Anthony List An organization that promotes the pro-life position on abortion in America. You can find information on pro-life statistics, pro-life women in Congress and efforts to change abortion law. If you wish to stay informed about the organization's activities, you can join their mailing list. |
| United Nations Development Programme A program of the United Nations that encourages social and economic development. Read about the UNDP’s activities, and how the organization is contributing toward the United Nationals Millennium Campaign. |
| United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF is an international organization that helps children around the world. You can access UNICEF's publications from this site including its annual report. You can also find out what UNICEF is doing in countries around the world. |
| National Whistleblower Center NWC is an American association that helps people reveal fraud and other problematic activity in government and corporations. Read advice on how to support the interests of whistleblowers, as well as articles on whistleblowers in the press. |
| Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars An American organization that encourages research into international affairs. The Wilson Center also offers a number of publications including the Wilson Quarterly and Centerpoint. Visitors can find directions to the Center, based in Washington, DC. |
| United Nations Population Fund The UNPFA is an international organization that promotes human rights and gender equality. Offers information on the world's current population, promotes reproductive health, and supports teenagers and young people. The site also has news reports from around the world on population issues. |
| International Bicycle Fund The International Bicycle Fund is a nongovernmental advocacy organization that promotes cycling around the world. You can find out about the history of the bicycle, bicycle statistics, bicycle safety and even bicycle signs from this website. The site also provides information on urban planning to foster bicycle use. |
| Red Cross The American Red Cross is a medical organization that provides medical information including blood donation to people around the world. You can get basic medical training from the organization and find out how you can donate blood. You can also find information on jobs with the Red Cross. |
| Institute of Economic Affairs The IEA is a British think-tank that studies both politics and economic concerns. You can find commentary articles on the state of the British economy. The IEA website also has information on scholarships for students studying economics. |
| Planned Parenthood The official website of Planned Parenthood, an American organization dedicated to reproductive rights and sexual health, provides both medical information and advice on activism. You can find a health center in the United States or learn about their projects worldwide. You can also read press releases or view suggestions and lesson plans for educators, the materials for which can be purchased from their online store. |
| Center for Non-Proliferation Studies The James Martin Center for nonplayer for Nonproliferation Studies provides information and analysis about the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The website's databases offer one of the world's most comprehensive data sources on missiles and weapons of mass destruction. The site also has a section for students interested in this subject. |
| European Roma Rights Centre The European Roma Rights Centre is a public interest organization that combats racism against the Roma people. The site also has human rights training for those interested in fighting racism. You can also find legal commentary on human rights as well. You can also read about employment opportunities at the centre. |
| CorpWatch is an organization that monitors the actions of corporations. You can find commentary on consumerism, labor, human rights, trade justice, globalization and other concerns. You can also donate money to CorpWatch if you would like to fund its activities. |
| Knowledge Problem Knowledge Problem is a blog that provides a variety of interesting commentary on history, politics, economics and other subjects. The blog is written by Lynne Kiesling and Michael Giberson. The site's content can also be accessed via a RSS feed, for your convenience. You can also find quite a few interesting links here including blogs and news sites. |
| Moving Ideas Moving Ideas is a network of more than two hundred nonprofit organizations concerned with advocating for progressive policy. The site has resources on a variety of different policy issues including children, retirement security, the environment, civic participation and civil liberties. |
| League of Conservative Voters The League of Conservative Voters is an American organization that advocates for conservative politics. The site has coverage of important legislation being considered in Congress as well as opinion pieces on American elections. You can also donate money to the organization on this site. |
| Council on Competitiveness The Council on Competitiveness is an organization that seeks to market America. You can find information on the council's initiatives here including high performance computer and see how it measures competitiveness. The site also has video archive of speeches and interviews. |
| MERIP The Middle East Research and Information Project provides information on the political affairs in the Middle East. You can find back issues of the Middle East Report here. You can also find information on getting internships through the organization. The site also has a variety of newspaper opinion pieces on Middle East affairs. |
| UNICEF UNICEF is a United Nations agency dedicated to helping the world's poor and disadvantaged children. You can read report's about the Fund's activities around the world here. The site also has information on how you can support UNICEF's worthy programs. |
| American Civil Liberties Union The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a noted American group that lobbies and defends civil rights. You can find legislative updates on how proposed American laws affect civil rights here. One can also read about the Union's position on a variety of issues such as racial justice and voting rights. |
| Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship The Department of Immigration and Citizenship in Australia provides all you need to visit this country. You can find out how to apply for a visa to visit Australia as well as Australian values. The site also has information on how Australia's borders are managed. You can also find statements from the Minister of Immigration. |
| CCAL The Customer Consortium on Assisted Living is a non-profit organization that advocates for the importance of customer choice and quality in assisted living. The site has links to state licencing agencies across the US to help you investigate if a particular assisted living location is right for you. |
| International Health Economics Association The International Health Economics Association is a professional organization that encourages health economists to collaborate on matters of common interest. The site also has information on the association's conferences. You can also find information on books published by the association. |
| Development Gateway Foundation An organization that seeks to share information and other resources for those who want to improve life in the development world. You can find a directory of government aid here. The website's most useful resource is the government tenders section where you can find out about contracts currently being offered by governments. |
| Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) CAT, located in mid-Wales, aims to address environmental and global issues. You can visit CAT’s interactive Visitor Centre, or sign up for post-graduate or short courses on environmental subjects. Visitors to the website can browse the online store for environmentally friendly products, or read about volunteer placements at CAT. |
| Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA) Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (MAMA) is an organization that seeks to encourage a responsible and rational response to drug use. The nonprofit organization also has resources to help parents discuss drugs with their children. You can also learn about the organization's medical marijuana program here. |
| Fairtrade Foundation The Fairtrade Foundation coordinates consumers and producers interested in fair trade products. The foundation also runs political campaigns on fair trade issues. The website also has a section on trade justice, a cause which fair trade advocates very much believe in. |
| National Coalition Against Censorship The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) is an American organization that advocates the importance of free speech and points out efforts to restrict it. The website provides plenty of advocacy resources to help you lobby for free speech in schools, the arts and many other fields. You can also get books on the subject of censorship here. |
| Global Issues Learn about the things that affect you, your family and friend, community and the entire globe on a daily basis, such as racism, women's rights, conflicts in Africa, poverty and more. |
| The Hunger Site Place on the internet to learn about the hunger problems facing the world, learn what's being done about it, and contribue to the cause. Also, sells fair trade products. |
| Institute for Global Communications Find out about gender violence, mercury dumping, Katrina recovery, risky pesticides and more and this comprehensive activism portal. |
| Aviation Safety Network The Aviation Safety Network is a private organization which covers issues relating to aircraft safety and accidents. The Network's Safety Database has detailed information on more than ten thousand air incidents including hijackings and accidents. The database goes back to 1943 and is publicly accessible; the database has worldwide coverage. |
| Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law The Bazelon Center, based in Washington DC, is an American lobby group that seeks to improve the rights and status of persons with mental health problems and disabilities. The site's "In court" section shows how the Center is making a difference in the legal system. |
| Transportation Alternatives Lobby group that works to reduce the number of cars used by promoting walking, bicycling and public transportation. Find out about their activities, campaigns, environmental issues. Also includes a gift shop whose profits are used to fund the organization. |
| Transparency International Organization that works to end corruption and protect whistle blowers. Find out about the UN convention against corruption, transparency and integrity in government, how you can donate and made a difference, access to information, and more. |
| Center for Democracy and Technology Promotes democratic values and constitutional rights in the digital era. The organization brings together expertise in technology, public policy and the law to advocate for political change. The site's Legislative Center keeps track of all important Congressional legislation on topics such as open government, free expression, digital copyright and consumer privacy. |
| Amnesty International A charity group concerned with promoting human rights and eliminating violates of those rights around the world. The site provides details on some of Amnesty's campaigns and news of international human rights events. The site is also available in Spanish, French and Arabic. |
| Center for Defense Information (CDI) CDI is an American thinktank that studies U.S. national security, defense policy and international security. The site has articles on a number of important security issues such as nuclear proliferation, missile defense and the arms trade. The Center's publications and newsletters including the Defense Monitor can also be read here. |
| Children's Partnership An American nonprofit organization that does research and advocacy for America's youth and children. The organization's extensive library of research and political publications can be found, with plenty of material of interest to researchers and parents. The organization also accepts donations via its website. |
| Freedom House A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing freedom around the world, including freedom of the press. You can access the organization's reports and analysis from this site. You can also find out how to donate money to Freedom House. |
| World Wildlife Foundation This environmental website, sponsored by the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), provides information to get you motivated to stop environmental degradation. The website also informs you about the WWF's role in countries around the world. You can also donate money to the organization from this website. |
| Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch is a non-governmental organization dedicated to monitoring human rights abuses around the world. The site has two broad sections: discussions of specific countries and studies of particular rights issues. The later covers economic, social and cultural rights. You can also find commentary on the global state of women's rights here. |
| Informed Comment Informed Comment is a political blog with commentary on the Middle East, history and religion. The blog is written by Juan Cola, President of the Global Americana Institute. You can also read about the Institute's translation project from this site. The site is updated on a regular basis to provide you with timely analysis. |
| Electronic Frontier Foundation The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an American organization that advocates for the importance of freedom and civil liberties in the digital era. The site has articles on how legislation before Congress is affecting digital civil liberties. You can also purchase t-shirts and other items from the EFF store to show your support. |
| Feminist Majority Foundation The Feminist Majority Foundation is an organization that describes the philosophy of feminism and advocates for its importance. The site has plenty of activism resources that describe how you can help disadvantaged women. The site also has a section devoted to reproductive rights. |
| World Bank The World Bank is a global financial institution based in Washington D.C. You can read about how the Bank helps developing countries improve their societies. You can also read about the Bank's extensive research and economic data here, a resource for students interested in economics. |
| Ace New York Charity provides homelessness solutions and services in New York City to help improve lives and the NYC community. |
| Ghana Volunteer Network A Ghanaian non-profit organization that hosts volunteers and travelers to Ghana. |
| The Philanthropic Initiative, Inc. Works with philanthropists to make their donations effective and a chance to act on their values. Does work with individuals, families, corporations and community groups. |
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